are some of the narratives from of late. Rocky, L's "brother" has married Ruby. Max has married Bottlecap...and they have 6 children, so far. "Rocky" is about 4-yrs-old most of the time, but sometimes he's grown-up or whatever age he needs to be for that particular story. Langston likes to talk "marriage" & "family" a lot. Most of the time, he's going to marry Daisy & they'll have 10 kids (!). I always remind him that he must ask Daisy about all this...when they are grown-up. (So far, she's agreed to the marriage part, but I would think she'll need time with the whole "10 kids" thing.) :) OH, and I told him that to have 10 kids, they'd need a lot of $$ & space. Where would he put 10 kids? He looked at me & with all seriousness said, "Maybe I'll get a cage." (Ha,ha! Too many pet stores?)
Another "story of the week" for this past week has been that L. had "another family" before us, who all died in a car crash. (Sad!) And he still "loves & remembers them". They lived "way out past Rocky" (who lives in California, btw). He wrote a story, complete with black-blob-teardrops (bc it was a sad story), which is in one of the pix (strange shaped paper w. lots of letters). He "writes stories," "does homework," & "takes notes" all the time, so we have tons of papers with letters & shapes all over them.
He also drew pix of several animals. One is labeled, one is not. One is of a "brown horse, blue flamingo, orange frog, & green cow," the other is a "penguin holding something, a giraffe wearing a helmet, & a bunny." :) Of course, there are stories with each picture. The kid is a walking narrative.
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