I'm a little delayed in getting the 9-month pic. And I never got a smile (that's what I get for doing it just before bed!), but the out takes are pretty funny. I'll post 'em soon.
Milestones as of now...
still doing well with fruits, veggies, breads. We've added whole milk yogurt, egg yolk, & cheese. She is kickin' the pincher & loves finger foods. :) The sippie has been mastered. And her only "gear" for crawling seems to be reverse. :) She manages a strange sliding, scooting, tummy squirm to get where she wants, but all in backwards or sideways motions. She easily goes from tummy to sitting or sitting to tum. She still looks like she's riding off on her Harley (turning her wrists back& forth) when she gets excited & she still would rather chant "da, da" than "ma, ma," but she now says both. (I've discovered that "mama" usually happens during some sort of distress...hungry, caught under some furniture, brother is sitting on me...) She also mimics more of our sounds. And she loves to clap her hands (esp. if she does something she deems "clap worthy," like poop or put a piece of food into her mouth). She also loves to "clack" her tongue & hear us repeat her sound.
OH, and as for my own personal "milestone"...I can finally fit back into my pre-preggie jeans! 9 months on; 9 months off, "they" say. :0) I could still use some toning...esp. in my poor baggy belly, but I feel more like myself again. Pilates & yoga are helping. They always do. And my friend, gym, who allows me to do cardio in these sub-zero temps. If I could find more time for just gym & me it would be oh-so-nice. The short kid keeping hours they give out in the a.m. combined with my kids' naps in the p.m. do not allow for me to have much iron pumping time. *sigh* I know that I'll blink & Zora will be a 1-napper, so it'll get easier. These past 9 months have really sped by.
1 comment:
Congratulations on such a big sweet girl - and getting back into your normal jeans!! Gym and I have been estranged for about a year now, but I long for the day when we will be back together :). By the way, Aurelia and Zora weigh the same as of her 18-month appointment. I'm sure that her heft is also helping the weightloss along.
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