Langston & Zora just had their 4-yr. & 9-mth. check-ups.
Cool Cat L. has jumped into the "average" size weight (50%) at 34 lbs. 4 oz. & moved up into the 25% at 38 3/4 " tall! For a guy who had dipped into the 2nd % at age 2 & wrestled back up to the 10th% for his 3rd b'day, 50% & 25% sounded good to me! (He's "supposed" to be around the 65% for an average boy produced by Barclay & me.)
Big Mama Z. has dropped down to the 90th% in both categories: 21 # 12 oz. & 29" tall. I feel like she might be on her way to average, too. She seems to be "thinning out," but wearing a 24- month size outfit on her 9-month old body as she does it. :)
(Thanks, Bek, for the pic of those sweet chubby thighs! I could eat 'em up!)
Wow, 9 months?! How does the time fly like that?
Way to grow, Langston! That's pretty impressive, really. Can you believe we have 4-year-olds? (Well, I don't for another 6 weeks, but soon enough.)
He sure has the longest tongue!!!
And she sure has the sweetest thigh-ow!
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