Millions of years ago (or so it seems) I used to do all my cleaning in one (full) day. Since pregnancy took it's toll, followed by Zora nursing all the time, that one day turned into about 3 days. I never felt like I accomplished much that way. (Although I know I must take it "one day at a time." Urg.) Anyway, for all you moms out there, here's an experiment from this s.a.h. mom I know you can relate to...
6:30ish Zora awake & cooing; nurse her (she's more interested in cooing)change her diaper (And I think she only nursed twice during the night...or was it thrice?)
7something Langston up & needs help with clothes
730-8ish lie back down; nurse Zora; get her to sleep
8ish cook cheese eggs w. fruit, coffee, apple juice...feed the fam
830ish Zora awake; nurses a little
Begin the clean up.
Beat rugs outside. Open windows. Find music videos to listen to (for kids & myself). Argue w. L. over cleaning up his books. (He draws monster pix to scare me bc he's angry about having to clean, but he cleans after he gets all the angry out.) :) Clean/sanitize bathrooms. Sweep.
10:30 Zora nurses. No sleep.
11:15 begin preparing lunch for all. No bread. Gotta go to the store!
11:30 feeding both kids & myself.
12 Zora nurses & goes to sleep. Change sheets on all the beds. Put laundry on.
12:30 Read to L. Tell him a story.
12:45 Leave L. to sleep. Z. is awake.
1:15 Z. back down to sleep.
1:20-1:40 check email; post a blog.
1:40 more laundry.
2 grab a Mt. Dew (or I'll never make it.) Begin mopping.
2:40 pause on mopping (can't mop where kids are sleeping), so tidy up dining room; clean mirrors; change pack N play sheets
3 Dust where I can (kids still asleep)
3:15 Clean highchair, booster seat; Put on laundry load #3
3:30ish Z. awake! Nurse. Change diaper. L. awake.
4 Snacks. Mop some more. clean up & finish dusting where the kids were sleeping.
Barclay comes home & asks could we please not order pizza tonight (aka "Is there anything to cook?"...and I am even out of bread. Put your thinking cap on, Sonya!) He wants to go out tomorrow night & eat & watch the Gator game. Okay.
4:45 put potatoes on to boil; corn cooking; fish thawing in the sink. Get a shower.
5 hold Z; get ready
5:15 Cook; feed Z. cereal.
5:30 Food for all! (Supper time!)
6 Leave for Macomb's hotair balloon festival.
6:30 Nurse Z to sleep. Enjoy seeing friends & hanging out at the festival. The boys get a funnel cake; mom gets a few bites. :) Go to B's office; he collects a few things to work at home. Nurse Z. as I wait on boys in B's office. Change a Zora-poo.
8:30 Home. L. poops & I put him in the tub. Nurse Z. to sleep. Clean L. Get another shower.
9 Get a snack for L.
9:45 Clean up messy snack kid & area. Z. wakes up. Bathe Z. quickly. Milk & stories for both kids.
10:20 Z. asleep again.
10:30 L. down in his room.
10:50 Last load of laundry for the day. (set the "delay" to wash 'em at 7am) L. up; he needs to poop again.
11:10 L. pooped! He's back in bed. Asleep within minutes. I read & get a snack.
11:50 Call it a night.
Now, let me say that I don't think I charted every diaper (there was one big poo in the a.m. that I missed). And I didn't count every pause for kid related items...holding Z. as I cleaned or helping L. with art, but for the most part that was it. Z. missed her "tummy time." (That just happens some days...I don't think it will damage her for life. :) I didn't read to the kids as much as I usually do. I didn't give them as much "face time," either. I don't know if I'll do this again anytime soon, but it was a pretty "easy" day (no toddler melt downs & no one "fought" a nap). And Langston helped me more than he even knows. He "read" to Zora. He danced for her (for a while). He was just being himself: a fun, sweet little guy. And she was captivated by everything he did. She even tried "talking" to him sometimes. :)
Speaking of "talking"...
I'll admit that this post & idea came about, in part, due to a "conversation" (ahem) that Barclay & I had several weeks back. We were working through some things & he asked me the most dreaded, horrible question a working partner could ever ask a stay-at-home partner...yes, you all know it..."What do you do all day?" (I need back ground music & an evil cackle as I type it!) Well, I attempted to give him a "run down"...I cook (at least once), but prepare meals for 3 people at least 3 times a day (do you count toddler snacks?), do at least one load of laundry, nurse every few hours, change lots of diapers, interact with both a toddler & infant (read, play, sing, discipline, feed, get Zora to sleep at least 4 times & Langston twice, etc.), "pick up" messes here & there, attempt to check email at least once, talk to someone outside of the house (read: adult interaction), attempt (& mostly fail) to exercise,...and if it's a cleaning or shopping or playgroup or dr. appointment or pre-school day, lots more. The funny part of our conversation, or my response was, I almost didn't know where to begin! Most days are a blur of all this stuff meshed together. I feel as though my Blog-time is my "Bl-ahhhhhh-og-time." I love to think & read & express & write. One doesn't get to do all those things much b't drool cleaning, mush feeding, toddler taming, & even all the sweet stuff that is kid rearing. It's a HUGE blessing to be with my babies daily. They are my life. And yet, sometimes, they are my life...and I am exhausted by my life...not tired, but worn slap out. And I try to make myself remember that this is yet another season of life; yet another quickly passing phase. It'll be soccer & dance, then dating & ACT scores before I know it. Chill or I won't enjoy the "best things" in life. My family is, to me, one of the "best things..." and so is cleaning all the things in my house in one day. ;)
*Editor's note: I didn't get around to folding the laundry. I now have done 7 loads in 24 hours & am folding #3. I also didn't get to go to the store till this morning, but it was much better that way. We shopped as a family & B always helps me remember & think of things I wouldn't remember or think of without him. I love you, honey!
I enjoyed this post Sonya! Thanks for making me smile and taking the time to share your life :)
Precious pictures!
Wow. WOW.
Love you.
What do you do all day? Ah, the dreaded question. I'll have to go find a great article I read once and get it to you and B.
In the meantime, I've heard it said that our homes can be "the most noble of institutions" in this world. Motherhood is so important, and you're doing a fantastic job.
Hi..Bekki W. is ALWAYS talking about you and telling me she thinks if I knew you, we would be best friends. She thinks we are a lot alike. Often, she shoots me an email telling me to look at your blog about something I can relate to or something we think alike on. I know this is a little random for me to send you this comment, but after reading this I just had to say, "That is exactly right!!!!" I have probably told someone the exact same thing at some point in this mommy life of mine. It helps to know that we mommies are not alone. Sometimes we feel like it, but really we are all having the same struggles as everyone else. Thanks for blogging.. sorry for the random long comment from a stranger! :)
-julie rivera (one of Bekki Williams great many friends)
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