actually, here are a few things I'm thankful for in Poland...not Polish...otherwise y'all would be like me reading a menu here & entirely lost. :) I've learned a few basics, but this language is tough!
In no particular order...
1.My new girlfriend, Leanne. Or Auntie Leanne, as she should be dubbed. She's teaching English & Lit here at the same university & lives in the same dorm, only one floor away from us. We have many common interests (English degree, sense of humor, disliking the half-eaten sausage in our common 'fridge). And she not only puts up with, but plays with my kids. They adore her. As do I. :)
2.My new clothes washer. They don't do the dryer thing here (WHY?!), but they only had one functioning washer for
two whole DORMS of people...& it was "first come, first serve." I have spent days of my life waiting to wash one load of laundry. I thought I was going crazy. My husband must've noticed my lack of sanity bc he didn't put up a fight about shelling out the $333 for the washer.
3.The close-by Protestant-Methodist-some English speaking church. We've only just found this place, but it seems promising. There was a neat mix of old & new of everything from worship style to songs to people & a nice girl translated for us (when I wasn't breastfeeding/rocking Zora to sleep in the kitchen or taking L. to play with the kids). They even have an English service once a month which we have been asked to help with (of course I said YES!).
4.Reading again. I haven't been motivated to exercise yet (all the walking & pushing the giant, kid-filled stroller has been enough, but I do miss Yoga & Pilates...okay & dance), but I have been reading like mad. I am almost finished with
Dreams from my Father by our current Prez & have just started reading
Eat, Pray, Love, which is making me mark pages on meditation & Yoga with a gnawing desire to attempt more than the one leg with which I am familiar. Anybody out there read either of these? I'd recommend them both.
5.That the kids (& all of us) have been well. Zora is fighting off a croupy cough. She coughed as she woke up for 2 days in a row, with no other cold symptoms, but this morning she's been hacking & sneezing. I went ahead & gave her 2 breathing treatments & nursed her a lot & put her down for an early nap. She seems to be feeling fine, though. No fever & as happy as usual. Again, she licks & eats everything in Poland, so for this to be the first sign of sickness is amazing & I am thankful. (Langston did tell me that if her cough gets worse, we should take her to Dr. Lin, our Ped in Macomb. :)
6.Kid comments. Sometimes they keep me going. Peter Cole, I hope you read this bc I thought of you when L said it...
We were discussing something about an old sharp object (knife, sword...?) & Barclay told Langston that it was sometimes used for hunting food. Sweet Langston replies, "Like mushrooms?" Yes, my darling vegan-thinking boy. They should hunt