Wednesday, December 17, 2008

*8* is Great!

My sweet gal is eight big months old! Time is flying by. Her nicknames now include: Happy, Little Fat Pants, Zora Ray or Pappaw (bc she looks so much like my Pappaw, Billy Ray ;), Z-ford, and (of course) Zee. She is scooting & spinning all over. She stays on her belly & pushes around. The "all fours" postion might happen for a second, but she doesn't understand how to move from there. She "talks" to us & wants to play whatever big brother is playing. She wants to see & do whatever we see & do, so she loves to be held. Sleep is a struggle right now. Ever since her teeth-cold few weeks, she's not wanted to sleep by herself at night. I can get her down for a couple of naps during the day, but at night she only wants to sleep with me. Urg. Well, no matter what, it's better than Langston 1.0. Hooray for Lil' Fat Pants!


Jessie said...

8 months already? That's crazy!

I LOOOVE her nicknames. They make me laugh.

Bekki said...

I LOVE this picture - "Happy" is a perfect nickname!

Lindy said...

she is just beautiful!!! I am going to show your blog to sam and bonnie soon, they just moved here a week ago!! Bonnie said to say hello and she can't wait to see pics of the kids!