Friday, November 7, 2008

don't run with...

scissors, a fork, various other sharp objects. We've all said it, but I had never seen the "what could happen" until this email. I originally got this a while back, but another friend sent it to me today. It's worth making your stomach turn (& showing to your kid), if it prevents this "ouch" from happening again. I don't know this fam, but I feel sorry for 'em.
Jen, this is why I freaked out at the totally cute pic of Chasers with the fork.


Amy and the Boys said...

oh mercy!! that makes my stomach churn. That's horrible!

Bekki said...

Somewhere out there...AJ Crittendon is walking around with a similar scar on his arm :o) Compliments of yours truly.

The Penter Family said...

i can barely stand to look at that. it grosses me out!

The 6 W's said...

I remember seeing that email! That's crazy!!

Jessie said...

I think I'm going to puke.
I also freak when they run around with food in their mouths.