scissors, a fork, various other sharp objects. We've all said it, but I had never seen the "what could happen" until this email. I originally got this a while back, but another friend sent it to me today. It's worth making your stomach turn (& showing to your kid), if it prevents this "ouch" from happening again. I don't know this fam, but I feel sorry for 'em.
Jen, this is why I freaked out at the totally cute pic of Chasers with the fork.
oh mercy!! that makes my stomach churn. That's horrible!
Somewhere out there...AJ Crittendon is walking around with a similar scar on his arm :o) Compliments of yours truly.
i can barely stand to look at that. it grosses me out!
I remember seeing that email! That's crazy!!
I think I'm going to puke.
I also freak when they run around with food in their mouths.
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