I have been trying to get re-inspired to teach my babies once again. I'll confess that I have taken a year long somewhat-slacking stretch due to baby #2. That's not to say we stopped learning entirely, just slacked off a little. The past week or two we've been full speed ahead, though, & both kids are enjoying it. :0) Langston has always loved to put pen or crayon to paper, sit & read, or use his imagination to play. Zora is just getting there. They are a fun pair to work, play, & learn with. Below is the "list" of what we shoot for daily. There are plenty of variations in each section & we do not always make it to each item daily, but most of the time, most of the things are explored. And learning goes on...whether we know we are teaching them or not.
Our Daily "homeschool" list
- read a Bible story, talk about it, color a pic from a Bible story coloring book or online, pray
- imagine this: (pretending with toys, independent play)
- Zora: ABC’s & numbers (identify, count/sort, letter sounds using foam letter, blocks, word whammer, chalk...)
- Langston: reading & numbers (workbooks, handwriting, site words, flash cards, phonics, telling time, add, subtract, word whammer...)
- critical thinking (puzzles, games, science experiments)
- 1 hour of appropriate "screen time" i.e., kid's netflix or other dvd/ computer games
- arts & crafts & create (draw, color, paint, play dough, with mommy or by himself...Z. is beginnig to show interest)
- getting physical: dance, ride trike, walks with mom, jog with dad, play sports with dad
- the great outdoors: search for bugs, water flowers, play with chalk or in sandbox (when weather permits...darn you, Midwest!)
- read 2 books per child before nap, plus "extras" as time allows
- listen closely: music, stories on tape or CD
Mommy's list:
during naps/rest time every day…
- check email
- blog or scrapbook
- return phone calls
- make appointments
- work on pilates or latin dance classes or music
- breathe
one “major” housework item
- Monday:clean floors, rugs, change sheets (wash sheets)
- Tuesday: clean bathrooms & b'room rugs (wash towels)
- Wednesday: dust (laundry)
- Thursday: laundry catch up day!
- Friday: home repair, odd jobs
- weekend: deep clean one room each week.
- Daily: dishes, some laundry (a load or so), sweep kitchen & under dining room table, make beds, pick up, spot mop as needed
I'm still working out my chores. As we are about to dive into a busy summer schedule, we'll see how all this pans out, but I think I function better with more to keep me busy, for whatever crazy reason!
Our summer will be filled with...Mommy teaching 4 classes per week; maybe taking two (Yoga-for my brain & body:), Langston has 2 mornings of preschool, 1 dance class, 1 swim lesson per week, Zora has 1 swim lesson per week, harvesting veggies weekly, Daddy working at the office daily, all of our "getting ready to go to Poland this fall" stuff, not to mention the usual necessary playdates, library programs, etc...hey, I said a busy summer, not a fun-less summer. :)
Thanks for the push in the super-mom direction, Christine, Rachel, & all you other super moms out there!
You are seriously impressive! I definitely need to spend more mommy time with my kids each day - and I'm here all day, so I don't know I let that slip! I suppose I should just print our your lists, and tweak them to my tastes. We do some of those things, of course, but not as consistently as we should.
OK, update:
I did, in fact, copy your lists to a Word document, and then tweaked them to suit my needs. Sonya, you have saved me! It's funny, because I do lots of those things already, but somehow, seeing a daily schedule, and an organized list of housework has made me feel so much less stressed. Especially since, in a few weeks, I'll need to rely heavily on those lists as I adjust to 3 kids. I'm a list-maker anyway, but somehow my brain hasn't been working as well lately, and I really needed someone to help me kick it up a notch.
Now can you plan a weekly menu for me? ha ha ha
You're a life saver, truly! Thanks.
I felt busy just reading this!
With the chaos that has been my house lately, the fact that you called me a super-mom has me laughing out loud!
Wow. I am impressed!
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