Friday, February 6, 2009


I need a kid-cation. Both mine are sick & I haven't really gotten out of the house this week. That plus the fact that I don't sleep when they are both croupy coughing is making my mind crazy. Langston just pulled Zora's head into a fold-out chair. Help!


Singlemomma said...

I so feel your pain. I left today just to take a quick 30 minute walk BY MYSELF!!! I had to get away....ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Jessie said...

Sometimes I just need a break from their voices, let alone all the rest. It was pretty nice to have a quick weekend with no kids - first one ever. And my local relatives are having all kinds of baby and wedding showers lately, so those have been good getaways too. Maybe someone out there should throw a shower of some kind, just to give you a few hours out!