Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wrocky's wreport

This is a snippet of a story about "Wrocky" doing a school report...we hope it didn't turn "bwright bwrown," which meant it was no good. ;) If you get motion sick easily, you might want to divert your eyes & enjoy the audio-only experience. (L. must move when he tells tales.)
Like I said, this is a small portion of this story. We get LOTS of Rocky-the-brother tales.
Other recent Langston-isms...
"Holy Pow"
"Holy Schnikies" (sp?) (Barclay's phrase)
"What the...?"
and I'm sure that "Mother Hubbard" will follow...B & I have said this jokingly for years...since I saw some kid in a parking lot in G'ville run headfirst into a cardoor mirror & announce, "Mother...Hubbard!" I laughed SO hard!
and...I got to hear a whole story about people who lived in toilets & fought monsters a few days ago. Pretty interesting. And it lasted about 15 min.
Long live Wrocky!


Leigh said...

Oh, dear! Your kids are so cute! And "Mother Hubbard" is one of those phrases that just might stick in my head now! Love reading your blog!

Jessie said...

So nice to see him and hear him again! Calvin came running over - "Who is THAT?!" and watched happily.