Sorry I'm a little late posting this! I've been a sickly mama for at least a week. The changing of the seasons is KILLING me! It's my fave season, but I think my sinuses disagree.
Anyway, my little giant is now 6 months old! She has also sprouted her 1st tooth. ;) She stopped sleeping so well, but I'm hoping that once this tooth thing calms down, we'll go back to some 7 hour stints. She is good for only 3-5 hours right now. (Don't get me wrong, for those of you who have been friends with us during the Langston years, this is still DE-lightful compared to thing 1's sleep habits.)
Enjoy the pix! OH, and try to find that tooth stump. I snapped a pic of it on the 1st day it broke through the gums. Yea, Z!
ooooooooooh - she has her momma's eyes.
6 months and still blue eyes? Oh, they're staying light, mark my words! She's looking more and more like you, so darn adorable.
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