Langston "made up" this sandwich for lunch today...
It's a scrambled egg, mayo, carrot stick, olive on whole wheat. He had cheese & pickle on the side. :) Crazy kid. Takes after his mama. :) (It sounds like he's pregnant...I know!)
For all y'all (yes, I just said, literally, "all you all") out there who need this info
& have yet to locate it on Facebookor MySpace, here it is!
If you attended Brooks High, graduating in the blessed year of 1999,
you should join us for a lovely "adults only" dinner
on Saturday, July 25th at Dale's Steakhouse.
The menu will consist of your choice of steak (ribeye),
chicken breast, or fish (snapper) with a salad,
baked potato, rolls, & beverage.
The cost for the event is $30 per person.
Please mail checks to me at my home address
(which can be found via FB, MS, or just email me).
There will be a cash bar.
Anyone interested in providing music or taking pix of the festivities,
please let me know.
Also, please send answers to the survey questions below
to my email address (sonyagraykey@aol).
There will likely be a "family picnic" (bring the kiddies!)
earlier on th 25th at Killen Park.
Here are a few questions for our potential "book" of c/o '99 members...
1. What is your current name? (some women have changed theirs...)
2. What is your current marital/relationship status?
3. Do you have or want kids?
4. Where are you currently living?
5. What is your current occupation?
6. School: finished? Still attending? Going back later?
7. What have you been up to for the past 10 years? (1 paragraph, please.)
8. Have you traveled or worked anywhere interesting?
9. What will you being doing in 5 years?
Please give your current email address.
See you in July!