Sunday, November 6, 2011


I am moving my blog to  Find me there!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yoga for toning

This article has a few "quick" Yoga moves worth learning.  Yet another reason I love Yoga.  It will work muscles you didn't know/forgot you had. :)  Namaste.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Food allergies & breastfeeding

The great food allergy debate:  new research.  I noticed a few things about this article that should be passed of which was the quote,
"Previously, Sampson says, his research in the 1980s looked at whether the problem of allergies could be prevented if mothers continued breast-feeding as long as possible. Laboratory studies reinforced the theory, he tells the magazine."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Black History month: a really busy month when your husband studies & teaches the Civil Rights Movement

A few weeks ago my beloved gave a talk on our local NPR station.  I just thought I'd post so that I could share.  He's slated to give quite a few "talks" in February.  We're going to have to rethink the whole "one car family" thing for those dates. :)  Love you, babe!
the boys in Sept.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

good news story from Poland
Zora "nursing" Freddie :)
For those of you who followed our Polish adventure, you might remember me posting about the few comments we got about Zora's baby doll, Freddie, who is a darker skinned brother.  (There have not many darker skinned people there since WWII, so even some younger people would say, "I've never seen a black baby doll!") This is a great news story...maybe some things are changing.   

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

fall family pix...better late than never ;)

this one was B's fav bc the kids were "done" ;)

Zora: no more

L's personal theme:  the peace sign
Here are a few of my favorites.  We rushed our great photographer a little that time I want to devote more time to it.  I think the kids felt the "urgency" to get a pic & behaved accordingly (not so great).  *sigh*  Kids feel our vibes, whether we think they do/want them to.  And still...there are some really fun shots here.  Cheers, Erica!  Thanks for working some magic! ;)