Okay, so my mom probably doesn't appreciate the humor in the title, but I'm certain a few of the readers do. I know that Mel is saying, "finally!" I finally decided to blog. I had such issues with pix attached to the "monthly update" the past few times that I decided this might be better. Sorry to all the LFC (Langston Fan Club) that this post/update is long overdue. We arrived back in Macomb on January 8th and so far no ailments!! Its seems that we missed all the playgroup flu, so maybe we'll be okay till baby arrives.
Oh! Our big news is that...it's a GIRL!! We are excited (as well as terrified) about all the aspects of having two. Of course we always wanted more, but when the reality hits ya...it hits ya. All looked great (to the dr.) on the ultrasound. We took Langston and he enjoyed the visit (for the first couple of minutes). Barclay was trying to hold him and see the blurry image of our little girl (with her hands in front of her face). He reminded me of Rachel on Friends when she saw her baby's image and kept saying, "I see it!" only later to cry, "I can't see it!" But I did get to see some little parts. Her pix didn't turn out great, though, so no posting those.
Big news #2 (no pun intended) is that L. is now potty trained! We did wait 'til he was 3 to really give it a go, but Aunt Leslie helped us out with the poo probs during our visit to AL and the timing seemed right. We used a sticker chart and he has really been a champ. He has gotten a few Sesame St. figures as rewards and Chuck E. Cheese is the grand prize, but so far the sticker chart has been effective.
In other news, his sleeping has gone downhill. Probably due to the trip to AL and sleeping with us or in the same room did it to him, but he freaks out when he's left alone to sleep. I just hope we get all that worked out in the next 10-12 weeks...before someone else needs me all night long. Any suggestions? I'll happily take recommendations, as long as no one else tells me to "Feberize" my kid. We tried. Lots of months. L. isn't Ferber-able. (I just made up that word, but he isn't.)
Changing topics...we had a great time in Sweet Home Alabama and I want to thank all those loved ones who made an effort to see us. You all mean so much to us. I wish we lived closer so that we could spend more time together. Maybe someday! As for now, we'll just freeze away here in IL.
I guess the final piece of info on this post should be that I am going to attempt to post some of L's artwork/handwriting. He is quite the little artist these days...much like his mom back in the day. And he loves to write. He has mastered pretty much every letter, although he sometimes has trouble with diagonal lines. And yes, we get some backwards "S," some crazy curls, but all in all, he's a perfectionist, so it comes out legibly. **This post shows my 7 month belly and my lil' guy loving me. :)
Yay, you've joined the blogging world!
Congrats to L. for potty training. Cal has days where he wants underwear, but he refuses to stop what he's doing to use the potty. Sigh. L.'s story is encouraging. Maybe just a few more months.
As for the sleeping issue, I've heard about lots of 3-yr-olds having sleep relapses (Calvin is currently having issues going to bed too). So maybe it's just a stage. I say, just do your best to be consistent about your rules, and the stage should pass in a couple weeks. Fun...not.
What works best for us is the first time Calvin gets up, we say: "Back to bed, Sweetie" and take him back. Then all the subsequent times we don't talk or make eye-contact - just lead him back to bed. Sometimes it takes a couple tries, sometimes it takes an hour, but it always works eventually, and usually helps change his pattern within a week or so. Maybe you've already tried that...but that's my lovely advice.
Good luck.
Demmi Moore comes to mind
Try "The Baby Sleep Book" by Dr. Sears. He is really pro-cosleeping and breastfeeding. However, even if a person does not agree with him in theory, he does a great job of providing unbiased information and the pros and cons of both sides. He believes in going with your guy instinct when it comes to parenting. I got this book for about $5 (used) on Amazon. I remember he said something about having a "special" bed in your room, like a pallet in the floor, that the child con come to if theer are monsters under his bed or whatnot. However, they have to get into their special bed without waking mommy and daddy because they need their sleep....anyway, there are lots of ideas in the book. Good luck!!
Sorry I did not check my spelling!!
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